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Barbara Behr


Barbara Behr, a German designer who lives near Cologne, provides concepts for paper products of all kinds, book illustration, and designs for textiles, ceramics, decorative accessories and digital applications.


After an education in drama and arts Barbara became a master craftsman in pottery with her own workshop where she developed her design skills.

She demonstrated her creativity in pottery in various exhibitions by combining excellent craftsmanship with design and illustration. 


Since 1999 Barbara Behr has designed for renowned international companies such as Roger La Borde, Liberty of London, Coppenrath Edition - Münster, Dallmayr - Munich, JB Lueber - Basel Suisse, Tandem Edition - Berlin, Ravensburger and many more.


Barbara Behr Design can be found in many places today: Advent calendars, books, wrapping paper, postcards, wallpaper, Jigsaw puzzles, napkins for many occasions, the decoration for shop windows in renowned high street retailers and fantastic graphics for computer animations and animated advent calendars for TV, too. Barbara Behr Designs have a striking, nostalgic charm in a modern and often humorous guise. With many small elements and details the observer will see something new with each look.





A sampling of Barbara Behr's artwork: 

To view more of this artist’s work, please login/sign up and visit the artist page or click here.

We welcome inquiries both from artists seeking licensing representation and manufacturers of consumer products.

Contact Deborah Leggat via email at:

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All images © by the artists represented on this website are not to be copied or reproduced in any manner.

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